Hello! My name is Madi but my parents call me Mad Madz. This is my blog and I am very excited to share it with you.
This is a picture of me. I love to take pictures with an old digital camera that my mom and dad gave me. This is a self portrait shot of me playing with my brothers trains.
My parents told me that they would help me to post things to my blog so I could share my pictures with anyone who wants to see them.
Note from Kevin: From this point on Madi will give a brief sentences describing her pictures so I am going to just type what she says.
This picture is of my new best friends Bethany and Isabella (I hope I - Kevin - spelled them correctly). They just moved into the house right across the street from us. I love my new best friends and I love playing them.
This is by baby sister Rylee! I love her because she is so cute.
This is my little brother Cooper. I love him because he is learning to read.
This is the cool mouse we found at the night in the backyard, eating mommy's bird seed.